slicker for PRoduct teams

Run experiments and increase conversions globally

Monitor failures, optimize conversions, and run A/B tests for different payment methods all across your stack. Slicker's platform shortens implementation time by giving you the tools you need to run your payments product with confidence.

Actionable insights

Understand your checkout performance across your different user segments. Slice data across regions, countries, order value and payment methods. Increase conversion rates and successful checkout scenarios without separately going to each provider's dashboard.

Product configuration
Revenue increase

Run experiments

Conduct A/B tests and validate new payment innovations. Don't take your provider's word blindly for what will increase your conversion rate, verify and roll out at stages instead.

Fine-tune payment scenarios

Slicker's comprehensive payments engine allows you to configure providers and payment methods at your preferred level of granularity. Dive into the nitty-gritty details or let the AI copilot drive this with your data and best practices in mind.

Fine-tuning parameters

Ready to take the next step?